Thursday, October 23, 2008

Palin's Words Carry Racial Tinge

Palin's Words Carry Racial Tinge
By Douglas K. Daniel-Associated press

Recently in Republican Sarah Palins speech in Englewood, Colorado, She attacked Senator Barack Obama’s “supposed” ties with terrorists and in her opinion his lack of love for his country. Governer Palin said “ Senator Obama doesn’t see the U.S like other people”. Yet another attempt by the Republican party to try and scare people away from Obama. Although Palin’s attack got a positive response from the crowd (Republicans). She didn’t realize the racially tinged message she was attaching to herself and Senator McCain. Palin was also quoted with saying that “Obama sees this country as imperfect. So imperfect that he is palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.” In my opinion even with all the slander and propoganda this election has provided this is the worst I have heard to date. Accusing your opponent of palling around with terrorists? Really? This is just a little much. Palin has been questioning Obama’s patriotism ever since she was put on the ticket. She has said numerous times that he doesn’t look at America like other people do. She has been trying to spread the message that Obama looks down on this country to much. She says she doesn’t see America in that way. She sees it as a force of good in this world. She sees an America of exceptionalism. I don’t know where she has been the past eight years but this country has been operating on anything but an exceptional platform. I think governer Palin needs a long over due reality check. She has been taking on Obama on all sorts of issues and I feel she is in way over her head. But in the long run of this election we will see if statements like Palin’s make or break the Republican partys chance at the presidency.

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