Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war

now that 6 years have passed since the beginning of the Iraqi war.what positive things do we have to look back on. Saddam Hussein has been taken out of power and killed for his crimes against the people of Iraq. we have set up a democracy and the Iraqi people now walk freely down there streets without the dictatorship of Saddam shadowing the individuality and there rights as people of the world. these are great things that we have done. but what else is left for us to do? in my opinion we have done our part and now it is time to move on. the Iraqi people have mixed feelings about our involvement in their country but ill tell you right now no matter what they say i bet they are glad they are alive rather than dead or under the rule of an awful man who was power hungry and on a warpath. This war has now gone on too long for my liking and i feel that it is time that we put an end to this conflict. i think it is great what we did for Iraq but there is nothing left to be done. The main reason we invaded Iraq in the beginning was because we as Americans were concerned for the safety of our own country. With Saddam in power Iraq posed a major threat to us and the rest of the free world. but now that we have put a stop to him i feel that our time in Iraq is up and we need to move on.

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