Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mexican drug cartels thrive in suburban Atlanta

With the growing number of Hispanic and other Mexican immigrants flocking to Atlanta, Mexican drug cartels have began using the city as a base of operations and distribution. Every day more and more drugs and drug money are being brought through the city and transported up and down the east coast. Atlanta's location is a good place for cartels to thrive because of its interstate highway access and its high number of people. its is my opinion that if we dont stop these drug lords from bringing in and selling these drugs in our country now then are situation could get much worse in a hurry. With Mexico all ready being a high crime rate and poverty filled society we cannot let these cartels spill there product into our land. Mexico is becoming a major source for almost every drug out there and the Mexican drug lords are thriving and growing on the money they make in the U.S. I think we need to put a stop to this while we still can. With Mexico being so close to our southern states it creates an easy transport for drug lords to get there product out there. if we let this problem grow we are going to find ourselves in a massive drug and crime problem similar to the one taking place in Mexico today. We can't let these cartels run our cities and streets. i think we need to tighten border control and kill this problem at the source before we are victims to its consequences.

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