Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New mexico governer repeals death penalty

Governor Richards of New Mexico said in a statement Wednesday that regardless of his personal opinion on the death penalty, he does not have the confidence in the criminal justice system as it currently operates to be the final decision maker when it comes to who lives and who dies for there crime. i believe that this statement makes so much since. Governor Richards is obviously a smart man who takes things in and finds solutions to problems like the death penalty. i think the repeal of the death penalty in this case makes a lot of since when he puts it like that. Yes the government is the almighty body and mind and America but should any one man have the power to sign another mans death warrant? i think not. Also when you think about the U.S prison system you have to think that the reason we incarcerate criminals in the first place is to rehabilitate them and help them learn that what they did was wrong and hopefully live a better cleaner life. And we also need to clarify that a life sentence and a death sentence are too far different things. to take someones life for an action they have committed is wrong in my opinion. you have to break it down to the simple facts. what are we justifying by killings those who commit crimes worthy of a death sentence? nothing at all. we are not doing anything but making ourselves feel better about it. to kill someone is not to justify anything. to kill is wrong no matter how you shape it. life is the most important aspect of anything. and to take that from someone is wrongful punishment.

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