Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pope preaches to thousands at Cameroon mass

As the Pope caped off his quest to visit every continent, he spoke at Cameroon to a large audience of African catholics. Africa was the only continent the pope had not visited until this time. I think it is very important that the Pope visit African countries., in actuality as the rate of Christians in the western world declines Africa has the highest rate of growing number of Christians in the world. So if the pope wants to make an impact he is in the right place. I think with all the civil war and rebelion happening in African countries it is very important for people to have religion its something they can hold on to and not have taken from them. Some less fortunate people it is all they have to live for. So the Pope coming to there homeland is a very important thing. Even though Pope Benedict has said many times that he does not like to travel I feel that it is very important for him to understand that he is a symbol of hope and meaning for a lot of people nation wide. The Pope can touch many life's in his time here on earth .I think it is crucial that he travels worldwide to spread the message of god to all those who have not heard it.

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